Registration Information
Netherlands Company Registration: KvK62994182
Netherlands RSIN registration: 855045462
Sierra Leone Company Registration: TIN 1073356-4/2016
Sierra Leone Ministry of Welfare, Gender & Children’s Affairs Registration: MSGCA/VOL: N367/2016
Freetown City ICC Registration: 007/2016 5175
Data protection statement
We hold sponsors personal information securely and will never share data with third parties, excepting the police and security services in pursuit of criminal activity including fraud prevention and detection and the Ministry of Social Welfare, gender and Children's Affairs for the purposes of safegaurding children..
In addition, all NGO’s working with children and operating in Sierra Leone are required, by law, to pass any long-term sponsors names and contact information to the Ministry of Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs in order to safe-guard children’s interests in the event of the NGO failing.
“I was born in a slum, but the slum wasn't born in me.”
Jesse Jackson